
We are excited to announce the release of our first version and would like to offer you the opportunity to explore it in depth. For a limited time, there will be no restrictions on the number of users (but the logical with no abuse). After this period, you will be notified to adjust the user count as needed. If the adjustment is not made within the given timeframe, the system will automatically remove the most recently added users.

The Organization (highest level resource in Cloud Plans) has initially one single user: the Owner. But this can be enhanced using users with fixed roles (such as RBAC). Initially the Owner can invite a user to the Organization with certain Role: admin, billing viewer, planner. In this article all the roles will be detailed:


List Plans

Edit Plan

Add resources to Plan

Modify Resources

Remove Resources

Modify Plan

Remove Plan

Add Credentials

List Credentials

Edit Credentials

Remove Credentials

Add User

Modify User Role

Remove User

Get Billing

Edit Billing

Cancel Billing

Get History

Get Job History

Get Messages

Modify Organization

Delete Organization

Last updated